Great Cthulhu! Hastur the Unspeakable! Only ONE can rule the apocalypse!
- Download the rulebook!
- Rob Heinsoo on Cultist Card Rules
Permanents! Combos! Cultists! Slams!
- Design Notes: Wrestlenomicon vs. Epic Spell Wars
Wrestlenomicon is a card game of the Great Old Ones battling for world domination.
Dennis Detwiller and Shane Ivey, the authors of Delta Green and The Unspeakable Oath, bring a huge mix of even huger attacks like “Jet Fighters to the Face,” “Carnage in Carcosa,” “I Come in Pieces,” and the vicious “Cassilda’s Thong.”
Legendary developer Rob Heinsoo and the team at Fire Opal Games bring the rules that let Wrestlenomicon run from tentacles-and-pretzels fun to furiously thinky strategy.
Artist Kurt Komoda makes every tarot-sized card a work of cringing beauty and disgusting hilarity.
Wrestlenomicon sets up and plays in minutes. But it has enough tactical depth for the hardest of hardcore cultists. Set up your attacks ahead of time on the Attack Track. More moves bring an attack closer to Ground Zero. That’s where it slams your foe and delivers the pain!
You best start setting up your attacks, because Wrestlenomicon is coming for you!
Also available: PLAYMAT & BONUS CARDS
Cthulhu vs. Hastur
Become a Great Old One and slam, smash, and obliterate your opponent. Each deck of cards represents a unique Great Old One. The core game includes a deck for CTHULHU and another for HASTUR.
Cthulhu—the Ageless Abomination! the South Seas Smasher!—is direct and in-your-tentacled-face! Cthulhu is resilient and does tons of damage. If all you want is to hit and keep on hitting, play Cthulhu!
Hastur is the insane and unspeakable force behind the King in Yellow. Hastur has weird powers. If you like tactics, prove it with Hastur! When you play as Hastur, you use cunning and trickery and lots of cultists.

How to Destroy Your Friends
Wrestlenomicon is simple. On most of your turns, you play an attack card. But attack cards don’t take effect right when you play them. The Old Ones are huge! You build up attacks to demolish your foe when the stars (and cards) are right.
First, put the card on the Attack Track. Next turn, when you put another one on the track, move the previous card closer to Ground Zero. When you move a card all the way to Ground Zero, it delivers the pain!
This is a battle across time and space, and you see the enemy’s attacks coming. Can you slam them back?

Wrestlenomicon comes with the Cthulhu deck, the Hastur deck, cultist cards for each deck, Attack Track cards, and more.
Wrestlenomicon is published by Arc Dream Publishing, developed by Arc Dream Publishing and Fire Opal Games, and features art by Kurt Komoda.
Behold the Deeps of Time
Wrestlenomicon was conceived in the stinking mists of pre-history by DENNIS DETWILLER and SHANE IVEY, the creative team from such award-winning Cthulhu Mythos works as Delta Green and The Unspeakable Oath. Shane Ivey has managed Arc Dream Publishing for more than 15 years and, back in the day, helped produce boardgames for Avalanche Press. Dennis Detwiller conceived and wrote the best-selling video game [PROTOTYPE] for Radical Entertainment and Activision, produced high-profile mobile games for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and still collects bloated royalty checks for cards he illustrated for Magic: The Gathering.
Dennis and Shane tinkered with Wrestlenomicon for many years before they stumbled across the key to making it perfect: Get ROB HEINSOO to do it! Rob has designed tons of successful card, board, role-playing, and miniatures games. He instantly got what Dennis and Shane were going for in Wrestlenomicon, and instantly threw out all their nonsense and made a brilliant game from scratch. The rules developed by Rob’s team at Fire Opal Games brought Wrestlenomicon’s fun attacks and combos to life, making them easy to play but charged with interesting tactical options.
Fact Sheet
- Boxed game with luxurious tarot-size cards, rules, a six-sided die
- 60-card Cthulhu deck + 8 Cthulhu cultist cards
- 60-card Hastur deck + 8 Hastur cultist cards
- Cards to create the Attack Track and Ground Zero
- Placement cards to keep track of deck, discards, Guts, Cultists, and Permanents
Sold to Retail by Studio 2 Publishing
Design Team
- Designed and published by Dennis Detwiller and Shane Ivey of Arc Dream Publishing
- Developed by Rob Heinsoo and Sean McCarthy of Fire Opal Games
- Illustrated by Kurt Komoda